Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Blue Underground brings you

The Film That Could Only Be Made In South America... Where Life Is Cheap!

And thats the truth! Sorta....

This movie is a loose South American fictionalization of the world famous LaBianca/Tate murders and the cult of Charles Manson. The story revolves around a young actress, in country to shoot a "sexploitation" film. However, (and isn't there always a 'however' in there somewhere?) she is targeted to be the mother of the "sacrifice" that the villain needs to further his depraved plot of, yup, world domination via sex and violence. This is all unbeknownst to the actress of course. She thinks she's just having a marvelous affair with a wealthy German arms dealer's son, in between shooting scenes for her "big" break. The baddies are a team of turbo vixens who adore their master (who goes by the name Satan, with the emphasis on the second syllable there so sa-TAWN) and go around town in bikini's (natch!) doing his bidding, such as slaughtering the local liquor store owner, oh and incidentally, the director of the young bouncy actress's movie. Seems he was cramping the plan in some way. This is all prior to the big B&E finale of the arms dealers house to complete the Manson analog and finish the story(!) The story is stilted a bit, and in a very very clever way that I was scoffing at, until the twist ending. And I mean like from out of nowhere type twist ending, that had my popcorn hand paused enroute to my open mouth as I absorbed exactly how deeply I'd been spoofed by the guys who made this movie. At which point the set of stilted, wierd, and sometimes outright flubbed shots, intentional bad acting, etc - the whole enchilada made perfect sense! Check this one out. and see if you can figure it out before they slam it in your face. I couldnt. They had me going the whole damn movie. Good for them!

This is all not to mention the great 60's (ish) costumes and the nods to classic rock songs most of my 30 something readers will instantly twig too. The movie has allusions to its forbears in the "psychedelia" genre, and of course the Manson Family.

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