Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Shock Waves

Beneath The Living... Beyond The Dead... From The Depths Of Hell's Ocean!
In the dark days of World War II, the Nazi High Command ordered its scientists to create a top secret race of indestructible zombie storm troopers un-living, unfeeling, unstoppable monstrosities that killed with their bare hands. They were known as The Death Corps. No member of this horrific SS unit was ever captured by the allied forces and, somewhere off the coast of Florida, they have survived

Peter Cushing (THE CURSE OF FRANKENSTEIN), Brooke Adams (THE DEAD ZONE) and John Carradine (THE HOWLING) star in this suspenseful and genuinely creepy shocker co-written and directed by Ken Wiederhorn (RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD II) - one of the great horror "sleepers" of the 1970s. Although the film's original negative mysteriously disappeared over 20 years ago, SHOCK WAVES has now been transferred from the directors own vault print and digitally restored for this premiere DVD release!

Blue Underground has a real doozy of a zombie flick for you with this one! Nazi Zombie's in off the Florida coast. It makes sense. The back story on this cult horror flick is actually almost something you could believe. The Nazi's, after all, did get up to some bizzare things. Now, in this delightful little movie gem, we have an old diving boat out touring the glorious islands, complete with the buxom babe, the car salesman, his (soon to be filing for divorce) wife and a guy that can only be described as Larry from Three's Company sans the "ladies man" attitude. The 70's were king of many things and the handle bar mustache was certainly one of them. A glorious specimen of which, is sported by the hunky beach bum boat navigator. The boat comes into some sort of very odd solar activity which freaks everyone on board way out. The old salt captain is shaken, and orders "Let's get the hell out of here." Mustache grabs the wheel and throttles her up. They cruise through the deep dark Atlantic/Gulf night and nearly collide with a mysterious freighter. and get run aground on a deserted desert isle, with the skipper, the mooooovie starm the professor and Mary Anne oh wait sorry. couldnt help it. No no skipper. in fact the skipper has vanished. And the prof and Mary-Anne have nothing to do with this story. Anyways, the crew and passengers find the skippers corpse near the shore, "Larry" climbs a tree and spots a building in the distance. The weathered survivors hike over there, hoping to find a phone or some sort of aid. Instead they find a Nazi Hermit who has been living on the island alone scine the end of WW2. This cheerfull fellow informs them that there are Nazi SS super soldiers coming from the freighter and that they had best get off the island ASAP. Of course, there is a small boat up the dark path, and down the river a bit. Hurry now! you should RUN!

Great zombie (esq) story. I enjoyed this movie. It was vastly entertaining, with everything from cool 70's outfits to nifty 70's Florida Zombie make up. Quite a story, and has a cool "no one escapes" ending.

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