Friday, November 6, 2009


"The greatest British filmmaker of his generation."
His vision exposed a real world of raw life like no others. His career inspired a group of actors, writers and directors that changed movies forever. In these two acclaimed dramas from the late Alan Clarke, experience the unsparing work of the director The London Observer still calls "the greatest British filmmaker of his generation."

Gary Oldman (SID & NANCY, JFK) gives a blistering performance as Bex Bissell, a middle-class family man who also leads a violent gang of soccer hooligans. Philip Davis (VERA DRAKE) co-stars in this scorching drama directed by Clarke that critics have called a modern-day A CLOCKWORK ORANGE.

In the film that The Village Voice hails as "Clarke's masterpiece" and would become the direct inspiration for Gus Van Sant's award-winning movie of the same name, Clarke and producer Danny Boyle (TRAINSPOTTING, 28 DAYS LATER) explore the political violence of Northern Ireland via the stark and brutal depiction of eighteen separatist murders.



Still Galleries


Audio Commentary with Producer Danny Boyle
Memories Of Elephant - Interviews with Gary Oldman, David Hare and Molly Clarke


Dolby Digital Mono
Optional English Subtitles
1.33:1 / 4x3
The Firm: 70 Mins
Elephant: 39 Mins
Not Rated
Region Code: 0


-The Sun

"A Blistering Performance!"

The Firm was not what I was expecting, vis a lot of senseless sports fans beating on one another. Rather it was actually quite touching in its way, with Gary Oldman doing a wonderful job playing the role of Bex, a father, a real estate agent and football hooligan. Yessss. Seems there is an England vs German match comin up in Berlin and Bex wants to put together a sort of rough and tumble field trip to go and see it. A "National Firm" of supporters if you will. Only problem is that the top dog spot of this firm of hooligans is hotly contested by rival fans of a different club. Madness and general "we are tougher and more bad ass than you" one up's manship begins, and doesnt stop. In fact it crosses the line and keeps on going until the groups DO in fact join up, over a rather tragic "bonding experience" that strips away the local differences and unites them behind one cause, the cause of Bex, and England.
Gary Oldman. right? nuff said.

OK. this disc also contains a short film called simply "Elephant". and I have to say its one of the most bleak, brilliant, things I've ever seen. It's got a very very deep message and a wicked way of getting it across. There is almost zero dialogue, which coupled with some of the longest shots I've seen really brings home what Alan Clarke is trying to say. It's so simple. 18 murders. Nothing to tie them together. really, not visually anyway. 18. It's like a montage almost. One after another. Calm. Business like. nothing to link the killers, nothing to link the vic's. It really is quite amazing. ELEPHANT is way worth a watch. It's one of those movies that will stay with you for a while. And I doubt you'll ever get another chance to see anything quite like it.

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