Thursday, June 11, 2009

Daughters of Darkness

Recently I completed my latest assignment for Blue Underground (it only took a year!) and now have a bit of free time so I've picked up a stack, and selected Harry Kumel's Daughters of Darkness to be the first BU release to post on this blog. So away we go!

The film is very mod, with opulent sets(mostly hotel interior)and paced perfectly to match the innate sense of mystery that makes the story flow as lush as it is.

A Young newly wed couple, stay over in a posh hotel. Where they meet none other than Countess Elizabeth Bathory and her secretary, the lovely Ilona. The Countess seems to have some sort of agenda for being in town, and poor Ilona lets us know that she is horridly unhappy with her lot in life. The pair engage in a seduction of the young newlyweds, thus unleashing a bloodbath of passionate errors and saphic vampirism, which of course, is the entire reason to watch the movie! The character of the countess is played by Delphine Seyrig, who has mastered the use of the noble need to never raise ones voice, and to maintain a smile, even while burying the bodies. Now I dont want to give too much away in these little reviews, so let me just say that i enjoyed this film and was shocked into caring what the hell was going on with the characters. While its not exactly the type of movie that people seem to be getting from Hollywood these days, it is certainly very enjoyable, and sort of made me want to attend a nice dinner party.

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