Saturday, June 13, 2009


Totally Uncut And Uncensored!
At the height of the Sword & Sorcery craze, Maestro Of Gore Lucio Fulci (ZOMBIE) attacked the genre like no filmmaker had ever done before. Jorge Rivero (RIO LOBO), Andrea Occhipinti (NEW YORK RIPPER) and the luscious Sabrina Sellers (WHITE CANNIBAL QUEEN) star in this surreal epic of brain-bashing barbarians and breast-baring maidens, filled with eye-popping cinematography, jaw-dropping violence and a pounding score by Claudio Simonetti of Goblin.

For more than 20 years, Fulci fans have only experienced this bizarre shocker via shoddy VHS tapes. CONQUEST has now been fully restored from pristine vault elements and is proudly presented in totally uncensored gore-spurting splendor!

Ok, I love movies like this. Full of swords and magic and what not. This one was fun to watch, especially the leg bone nunchuk scenes. HA! good stuff. The bad guys in this are some sort of wookie looking dog people led by a nekkid lady who wears a full head mask/helmet & has visions of a faceless hero shooting her with a bow and arrow that is made out of pure energy. Needless to say she freaks out and sends her minions out to capture, kill, maim and otherwise annoy our heroes. There is alot of brain smashing in this one and a bit of spiritual cannibalism thrown in for good measure. Its a fun movie, and i enjoyed it.

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