Friday, July 24, 2009

Fight For Your Life

The Incendiary Grindhouse Classic Of Racism, Rape And Revenge... Now Uncut And Uncensored!
Some have only heard of it as the notorious gut-cruncher in the tradition of LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT and I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE. Others know it as one of the few movies to ever drive even the most jaded 42nd Street audiences into uncontrollable frenzy. This is the story of three escaped convicts (led by William Sanderson of BLADE RUNNER as the sickest psycho redneck in cinema history) who take a middle-class Black family hostage for a relentless nightmare of racist humiliation, sexual violence and extreme vengeance. No sleazehound whos seen it can ever forget FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE!

Censored across America and banned outright in Britain, FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE was released in various chopped-down versions as I HATE YOUR GUTS, STAYING ALIVE, GETTING EVEN and even THE HOSTAGE'S BLOODY REVENGE. Blue Underground presents this rarely seen shocker now fully restored from its original camera negative for an all-new look at one of the most disturbing and depraved exploitation films ever made!


Audio Commentary with Writer Straw Weisman and Director of Photography Lloyd Freidus
Theatrical Trailers
TV Spots
Poster & Still Gallery

OK, here's is a random story that comes to mind when i watched this movie.
I collect books, and in answering an ad, I ended up way out in the Valley (thats north of LA for those of you who arent familiar). And was invited by my host to poke around through several boxes of books to see if I wanted anything. I did so and found a gem or two among the large mass of books and odds and ends piled up in the yard of this gorgeous house. I ended up with a box of dismembered barbie dolls (yay!) and and old rifle barrel from a Winchester, and a sterling silver and glass carafe with a little base that holds a candle to keep your coffee hot. Oh, yeah i got some books too. Anyways, my host and I indulged ourselves in the "Hi how are you" chit chat thing, and came to realize that we had certain friends in common. My host was none other than Straw Weisman! I was actually taken aback, as I knew i had one of his movies on the review list at the office. Straw was most hospitable, and shared some of his thoughts on the movie with me, once I told him that i would be reviewing Fight For Your Life. Basically, he said that he loved working on this movie, and was proud to have it in his list of things done in this world. We didn't talk long, but I was left with the impression, that the world sure hadnt seen the last of this guy, or his movies, as his IMDB should plainly illustrate. Now how random cool is that?

and now- the review....

The opening sequences are really cool. They show how being in the wrong place at the wrong time can land you in some huge drama. That unsuspecting pimp just was trying to get his sack back from his less than honest employee! then Blammo! Next thing he knows, his car has been jacked, and his clothes stolen, he witnesses prisoners escape, and kill their gaurd, and is un ceremoniously left to fend for himself, as the car jackers throw him from the car in nothing but his undies. Poor guy! Now our main characters have a car, and one of em is wearing the pimps clothes, and the main bad ass himself is packing the gun he took from the guard, whom he shot with his own weapon. The prisoners tear ass across NY tring to make the border of Canada where William Sanderson (Blade Runner) who palys the character of escaped convict "Jessie Lee Kane" promises his cohorts, transportation to Paris to check out the honeys, and evade the rest of their jail terms in the States. Its a typical jail break and run for a while. Until, they take a hostage. The Hostage leads them to her home, and things go bad VERY quickly, as Jessie and the boys make themselves a little too at home, while waiting for night to fall so they can continue on thier run for the border. The tables get turned! I dont want to give too much away, so I will stop there, and suffice to say that "do unto others, lest they turn around and kill you"
is sort of in the bible somewhere. i think. hah!

Cool Movie! Several VERY brutal scenes, with one gut clenching "No fucking way!" moment in particular, that actually had me holding my breath. And in a grindhouse genre flick like this, thats very high praise!

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